Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How Bout These Shits

so i have kreated a blog despite my extreme hesitation. i have a habit of being revealing when i do journal type things, and i have no desire to have other folks reading all the krazy ways i'm feeling, however, there are times when i do not feel this way, and i embarrass myself. So i have desided to have the primary fokus of this journal to be an out put for my stories or poems or whatnot. Things in that vein. i like to write a bunch, and i like for people to look at what i write and tell me if its good or bad or take something from it or hate it or whatever it is that people think. this way i can do both, and being that i will be assuming that my friends read this thing sometimes, i will be enkouraged to work a bit harder on them. i know that's not really the right mentality for an aspiring writer, but that's what i've got going on. my fiction class at school is very amateur, and i'm always lazy with assignments as a result. maybe this will tighten my belt. maybe.

this also means that there will be times in whikh my postings will resemble journal entries, and it will be important to keep in mind that the events will kontain or will entirely be fiktion. or don't keep it in mind. maybe i'm lying. maybe they'll be totally honest. maybe.

i believe the first story i'll be posting will be one that i just turned in for klass that i happened to dig. i will edit it first of course. i kan't remember what i desided to title it. oh yes, Rocket Rides. I dont really like that title anymore, so i'll khange it by its posting

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