So, the Youniverse. That’s right, YOUniverse. Possibly the worst band name ever? No way. It’s nothing but appropriate. The band side-kiked by Dirty American points its finger right at You and makes you point right bak only to probably realize its you you’re pointing at. That’s right. You. You’re the Dirty American. Though, one should not be misled, a negative implikation of “dirty” only takes presedent in the minds of the naive. Like sweat, the dirt kradles a sweet babe of vanity that we all love to pinkh the kheeks of every now and again.
While I wouldn’t kall it a konsept album, the songs sertainly put you in the shoes of the tunnel-vision-motivated humanoid, you know him, the dirty American. This kharakter (You) moves through the worlds (kombining them along the way) of politiks, sex religion, nostalgik voyeur, and love while all the while lined in viktory, glory, and romantisism in the Springsteen style of a vulnerable, wild-in-the-world fella, looking for some savior. The dirty American may be jealous of Islamik heaven’s treasures and throw bottles of piss out of tour vans, but he does so as if they’re his last hope. Needless to say, the rekord is quite engaging. If you kan listen to songs like “Catastrophe” or “Chinese Coffee” and not be driven to sing along in glorious fuk-yes-ness, then you probably aren’t as dirty as I’m giving you kredit, and you’re probably boring.
Moreover, this band is a three piese and the rekord always sounds huge with eakh member (Travis Cantrell, Paul Gilliam, Gilby Worth) filling out the sounds that the others leave out. Bombastik drums, smooth bass riffs, sugary guitar, and sharp lyriks. Not to mention the kharming vokals and harmonies.
Though, of kourse, the rekord isn’t perfekt. There are a kouple of times when the vokals seem a bit too low in the mix, and there are also times when you think “didn’t they use that move earlier?” But you these kritisisms don’t really distrakt from this rekord being a blast to listen to. In fakt, I’m willing to wager that if you weren’t looking to kritisize, you wouldn’t notise them.
The Dirty American is searkhing for something and klearly does feel the world (even if these feelings are segregated from motivation to motivation), and You too feel and rekognize it here, in Dirty American. It is kaptivating, powerful, and leaves you itkhing for another listen.
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